
Monday, November 25, 2013

It's been nice

Today was like a really good dream. 
I woke up on my own. 
I had a full cup of coffee with no interruptions.
I had time to pray,
 and even get ready in the privacy of my own bathroom. 
If you're a mother you may be thinking, "how?"
The answer is a word that starts with g and ends in ma. Grandma. Yes, our kids have been with their grandma since yesterday evening and it's been nice.
My two rugrats are on the right. They sure love their grandma. And so do we. :-)
We're very thankful for her. We wouldn't have many date nights if we didn't have her. 
AND her services are free.
Every parent needs one of these.

So here's a few pics from our much needed date
 He had chicken enchiladas and I had a tri tip French dip sandwich with a salad. I told him to get used to the weird picture taking. Makes blogs more interesting. 
Branding Iron never dissapoints and their prices are great.
Raspberry sherbet :-) this was just a teaser so later we got some ice cream. They always give little pieces of mint chocolates in the shape of a boot, but today we got a pumpkin and a turkey.
We ate them before even thinking of taking a photo. 

Opposites attract. 

It sure has been nice..but like they say, all good things must come to an end.

(We love our children more than words can express, but it's ok for parents to enjoy time to themselves once in a while.)


  1. I hear ya sister! When you asked how I was thinking in my head... you woke up at 4am? haha. I'm glad you go couple time! That's VERY important. I also had to tell my boyfriend to get used to pictures. haha. I think he's finally used to me taking pictures in public!

  2. Haha! Noo..I actually slept in til 7! And had no interruptions thru the night! That's like a mini vacation. Yes we definitely know the importance of couple time..and we can usually tell when it's river due.

  3. It's not all grandmas that get special fun time with the kiddos! I consider it a privilege, and a blessing to be with them and making memories. #blessed#grandma#me


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