
Friday, December 20, 2013

Five Things Friday & more

This week was full of birthdays! 
My nephew celebrated his 8th birthday with a superhero party. 
        Spiderman aka birthday boy
Little Miss Captain America

Too cool for school.

There were other superheros there but I couldn't get pics with all the party madness going on. Oh, there was a gorilla too. Maybe he was King Kong. Wait, that's not a superhero is it?

My mom and dad had birthdays this week too. I wanted to give them something sentimental so my sister and I put together a shadowbox. 

I'd say it turned out pretty good. 
Plus I got the box half off at Hobby lobby so that makes it even better.

I also made my mom this cake:

And here's my five things this Friday:
These things keep your wrists and hands warm while using your phone or Nook at night in a 62 degree house. Yes we are penny pitchers..not me really. My husband is.
Quinoa and brown rice with a cut up turkey burger is good stuff. 

3. This should've been number 1 because it's pretty important. Before using resistance bands, make sure the handles are hooked and secured to the bands because it could end really bad. I learned this the hard way yesterday and my foot paid dearly for it.

If you want to eat goldfish crackers without your baby cousins attacking you for some, hide them behind your back and sneak them into your mouth. Clever girl.

5. And last but not least:
Cinnabon cinnamon rolls make life grand.

Enjoy your weekend! 

How was your week?
Do you like cinnabon? 
Have you heard of Cinnabon?

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