
Friday, December 27, 2013

You think I have what?!

So I went to put my glasses on the other day and they were broken.. not exactly sure how this happened but I may have thrown them once or twice. Maybe. But that was a long time ago.

Since I need my glasses for driving and other things like seeing, I didn't waste time making an appointment. Thankfully I walked in and they were able to squeeze me in between patients that they didn't have. After a quick checkup and a new prescription, the Dr was talking to me about possibly having Glaucoma! I do have a small growth in my right eye and that's a cause for concern but Glaucoma?! Do a quick Google search and you'll find out real quick what it is.

After the shock of it all settled I went shopping for glasses but eventually went home because I couldn't find the right ones for dirt cheap. So I improvised!

Black tape fixes everything. You can slightly see the growth on the inside of my eye. Gross I know.

Maybe I'll turn into a pirate. I'm sure the world of eye patches has endless options.

Some good news: aerobic exercise (like running) could actually help issues that come with having Glaucoma.

I made this scrumptious soup for dinner for myself. Rice, chicken, carrots, celery, cilantro, and lime! If you want the recipe I'll post it under the recipe tab.

I'm going to attempt another run this morning or some time today. I need a good run but my need for a healed IT band is greater so I'll be smart and listen to my body.

I need to work on my pirate face. But I'm totally rockin that patch.

Enjoy your Friday!! And I'd you have time, get your eyes checked. Just to be safe.

Have you heard of Glaucoma?

Do you have any family members that have it? - My grandma is almost blind from it.

Run a mile for me please! :-D


  1. Oh my goodness my family played just dance on Christmas eve and I couldn't stop laughing!!! My grandma had glaucoma and my grandpa is legally blind. I have super strong contacts already!

    1. It's such an addicting game!
      Oh wow! Yeah since I heard my grandma is almost blind from it I've been doing a lot of research. My prescription isn't very strong but I do have a small growth that concerns me and obviously the Dr I saw.
      I'm glad you're back!!


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