
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

More Toning, Less Running

Since I injured my left leg about a month ago I've been trying to strengthen my legs to help prevent future injuries. I've been sick lately so I've stayed away from running since our treadmill is on our back deck. It's sort of enclosed but still cold. And cold air and chest congestion don't mix. So I worked out inside...After I attempted a short run. Hehe I really am stubborn aren't I? Hey, that's how I found out cold air hurts sometimes.

Here's what I did:

Ran (if you wanna call it that) 1/2 mile
20 fast squats
20 sumo squats
50 calf raises (last 10 fast)
1 min. planks (I'm a newbie to planks)
20 jump squats
stretch/foam roll

My 5 year old photographer snapped these lovely photos while I was working out:
Planks: my new favorite ab workout. Goodbye crunches! 

Jump squats: fun & effective
Throughout the day I'll stop what I'm doing and do something Kate wants to do. She asked me to help her write her abc's. She wrote all of them up to "Q" by herself then got distracted and turned the Q into a monkey. I love how random kids are.

She got some Lincoln logs for her birthday. Those bring back memories.  (I think she'll grow up and still wear footed pj's as a teen and as an adult.)

For dinner last night I was planning on BBQing some Mexican chicken but we didn't have anymore of our favorite seasonings and we were out of lighter fluid. So I seasoned it with what we had and when my husband came home he didn't seem too confident in my marinade so he almost had me convinced to just order a pizza. I did not want to eat something unhealthy so I decided to cook dinner. The chicken wasn't great but it was better when you sprinkled garlic salt on it.
My plate always looks different than theirs. They don't like to venture out very far when it comes to food.
Chicken, trader Joe's Japanese rice and kale. First time trying cooked kale and I liked it! It's pretty strong but knowing how good it is for you makes it easier to eat. I like how green it is too.

I started planning some races for the year but only made it to June because there weren't many local races listed. Here's what I have so far:

January 25th- virtual 5k
February 15th- Resolution run 5k
March- I'll most likely do a virtual run unless more local races get posted. I'm also signed up to volunteer at the Modesto Marathon. It's a Boston qualifier and I'm super excited to be a volunteer and cheer on the runners!
April- not sure yet
May 24th- another 5k and my kids might run the free half mile.

I do have a goal to run a 10k sometime this year but I haven't found one yet.

*The virtual races are hosted by: *

I signed up to be a part of a blog hop giveaway. It begins January 16th, so be on the lookout! 

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