
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I forgot to add a title..

So I applied for a j.o.b. today. I went to school in 2007 for Dental Assisting, worked for about six months then became pregnant with our daughter and haven't gone back to work since. Well, Kate will be going to kindergarten in August and what seems like a great position has come open so I faxed in my resume! We'll see if they like what they read..but in the mean time I had to tear apart our house and a bunch of boxes to find my portfolio.
I didn't find it. I'm pretty sure it's gone forever. Thankfully I was smart enough to call the school and they're going to mail copies of my certifications to me! For free!

Wheat thins are my favorite cracker right now and I was so happy to find a whole bunch of different flavors at the store. So far this one is my fave.

Since my sinuses have been so full I can barely bend over without my head feeling like it's going to burst, the hubs made dinner tonight...
This was Kate's plate. She was really excited to have a turkey dog. We usually don't buy them but I figured it's been a long time. She devoured it. He made burritos and taquitos for himself and Daniel. I made my own dinner..
Shredded chicken with lettuce and avacado and sweet potatoes. :-)

I'm still nursing my leg and knee. If my sinuses feel any better tomorrow I might get a workout in. I definitely don't need my head popping off so well see how I feel.

How was your Tuesday?
Are you training for an upcoming race?
Do you like sweet potatoes?

Enjoy your Wednesday everyone!!


  1. I love wheat thins, but I've never tried any of the flavored ones. That might be perfect for Super Bowl snacking! Sweet potatoes are one of those things that I really want to like and have tried multiple ways but have never really loved, except when they're unhealthy enough to be dessert :( Good luck with the application!

    1. Thanks! I used to hate sweet potatoes but the last few months I've started to like them. I just bake them with a little butter and some salt. Everyone in our house thinks they're gross. More for me!

  2. I hope youre feeling better! I love wheat thins. They are addictive. I go for the spicy kind. I love sweet potatoes. and I don' t have any races but I'm really getting the itch to start training again for something small.

    1. Thanks! I'm feeling much better! I'll be doing another leg day tomorrow with some cardio since I still can't run. I really hope I can get close to my goal of running 14 races this year!


I enjoy hearing from everyone so please, leave a comment!