
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A little hello from my part of blog land

I've been a little bit of a hermit lately but don't worry, I still found time to at least read new blog posts. I should be back to my old blogging self sometime soon..hopefully.

First things first: my grandpa's Dr. turned his pacemaker off today. It was shocking his heart so this was a huge sign that his heart is losing strength. Since he is under Hospice care they are supposed to do whatever they can to keep him pain free. If he lives through the night I will be there first thing in the morning to see him...

On a tremendously lighter note we started a garden!
Since the weather isn't quite "springy" yet we're starting the seeds inside. We have our own seedlings! It's like we have tons of growing babies without the crying and poopie diapers. Kate is so excited and loves to check every day to see if they've grown. Daniel hates veggies so he's not too interested. He'll be happy if the watermelon grows.
Lots of goodies to come in a few months!

I made a really good chicken noodle soup yesterday but I went a little overboard and made a little too much. So I've been living off of soup since yesterday and I'm sure I'll be eating it tomorrow too. :-/

Tonight called for some frozen yogurt. I almost wanted seconds..

I haven't run in a while and I don't plan to until my knee is completely healed. I have been strength training and doing some toning exercises. I've also gone on a lot of walks on our canal. Today I pushed Kate in the stroller (she was having a lazy day) about 2 miles. I broke a good sweat and the best part was smelling all the almond blossoms. My grandpa was an almond farmer when I was little and the smell of the orchards brings back such great memories.

How's your week going so far?

I hope everyone has an amazing Thursday!

Oh! I almost forgot! Stephanie @ Catladyruns is giving away two race entries for the Miami, Florida Biggest Loser 5k run/walk! Go enter before Friday! Her blog can be found under the "blogs I follow" tab. 


  1. Yay for starting a garden, it's so much fun and rewarding when things finally start growing. Last year was the first time I've lived somewhere with a yard as an adult so I started a garden. I learned some important lessons for this year, such as the fact that something (deer, rabbits, raccoons, all of the above?) loves produce as much as we do. I'm going to have to figure out some sort of fence solution this year.

    1. We have a major gopher problem here but I heard if you plant marigold flowers at the end of each row in the garden,, then it keeps the gophers and rabbits away. Deer don't eat marigolds either so maybe that will help deter them. You can also put milk jugs full of water around the garden and for some reason it keeps the deer out.


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