
Thursday, February 27, 2014

I got my fix

For the past few days I've been eating not so healthy and around 2-3pm I've been having what my sisters and I call nap attacks. Today I dozed off with Kate on the couch and when I woke up all I could think about was a bowl of marshmallow mateys. (Lucky charms knock off)
I decided I was going to take a stand against that lazy lifestyle that was creeping its way back in. So I got up and did the following workout.
Notice anything?
I RAN today!! I started to walk on the treadmill then this song came on my playlist:
How can someone walk to a song that says you gotta run?!

I was smart and ran just under half a mile then finished the mile with run walk intervals. Taking those first strides I felt like I came alive. I had a huge cheeser on my face and I was just so happy to be running again. I won't run tomorrow but this has definitely given me the boost I've been needing for way too long. *still smiling*

This is the closest we Central Californians get to having snow.

Soon we'll be eating fresh cut asparagus.

I made some delicious broccoli tortellini chowder for dinner tonight. If you'd like the recipe let me know and I'll post it under the recipes tab. Every now and then I surprise everyone and cook something good. Keeps 'em guessing ;-)

(Just for the record, I didn't have that bowl of cereal :-))

How was your Thursday?
Do you like chowder?
Do you have something fun planned this weekend?

Have an amazing Friday everyone!!


  1. Yay for that run! I'm glad you had that happy time :) and that chowder looks delicious. One if my favorite things for in season summer corn (other than throwing it on the grill) is to make a corn chowder.

    1. I'll post the recipe today under the "recipes we love" tab.
      Corn chowder is delicious!!

  2. I'm glad you did my workout! I'm so happy you ran! I bet that got a lot of emotions out. I can't wait to start my garden this spring! I'm so excited, it will be my first garden!

    1. It felt so good!! I'm being careful though..definitely want to keep moving forward! Gardens are so much fun! It's awesome to have fresh veggies right in your backyard.


I enjoy hearing from everyone so please, leave a comment!