
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Life Keeps on Truckin'

I promise I won't talk about death and/or my grandpa in every post but it is the biggest thing going on in my life right now. His obituary was published in the local paper and his funeral is tomorrow. My state of shock has moved to panic and anxiety. In the words of my dad, I need to stop being such a "spaz". I know time will help ease the pain..
My grandpa always said, "Time just keeps on truckin".

And life does go on. Here's what we've been up to lately. Yes I made some more collages. It makes posting updates so much quicker.

Our garden is growing!

I met up with my mom and sister at the park. They babysit my niece and nephew so it was fun for Kate to play with her cousins. I had a good time too :-)

I had to jam home because it was about 12:45 and I found out Daniel was getting out of school at 1. Then we flew some kites and went back to town for groceries and gas. Necessities of life.

Today (Thursday) I have more tests for glaucoma.
My IT band is till pretty tight and my knee hurts in the outside even though I've taken time off of almost I think I will break down and see a sports Dr and probably go back to physical therapy.

Going through such a hard time makes me want to go for a long run. Heck I'd settle for a mile pain free!


I'm so jealous of my husband right now. He knows it's a touchy subject so he treads softly around it.

Flower @ UpAndHumming has posted some very important and informational posts about runners and the use of NSAID's. She also posted about something I've never heard of but every runner/athlete/person who exercises should know about it. Check it all out here

How has your week been going?
Do you feel like your life could be a country song sometimes?

I promise I won't post about depressing things for a long time. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday! 


  1. Sorry to hear about your Grandpa. Losing someone special is never easy but it's okay to write about depressing things because a blog is meant to be therapeutic. I hate that your still having IT Band issues, that stinks but it might be a good idea to see that sports dr. if it doesnt get better soon. Hang in there :) Im rooting for ya!

    1. Thank you. :-)
      and thanks for stopping by!
      I found a really "tender" spot in my leg that I can roll out with the foam roller. I've just put everything on hold for some time now. I know I'll be back to my running self at some point.


I enjoy hearing from everyone so please, leave a comment!