
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

I have a lot on my mind right now but I'll keep it short.

 1. We're finally getting some rain here in Central Cali so after my workout I laid around a lot under one of my favorite blankets, catching up on all the blogs I follow and even found one or two more. I really like days like this.

It has a wolf on it..but I don't like it for that reason.

2. I've been asked to write a guest post for Stephanie @ CatLadyRuns! I am so excited she asked me! I actually wrote up the post today but it's up to her when it gets published. I'll create a link on an upcoming post as soon as she has it up. It was a fun topic too!

3. I stumbled upon an awesome fitness app today! Nike club training. It is the coolest app I have on my phone. You follow the prompts and pick what you want from the workouts.

Then pick your level of experience or intensity.

Then browse the workouts, customize them, add RUNNING if you'd like then start!

What's awesome about this app is that it creates a 4 week program for you, it includes days with just yoga to help stretch your muscles, and it talks to you while you're working out and counts down your time. I used it today. I did 1 mile on the treadmill then "wipeout".

4. Some of you may know that my grandpa is very ill. He has been taken off dialysis. It is putting too much stress on his heart. He keeps getting infections in his body so dialysis isn't doing what it should. My family and I will be visiting him tomorrow for what may be the last time. I knew this was coming but nothing could prepare me for his death. He's still alive so I don't even like saying that word. I haven't had someone so close to me pass away. This man holds our family together. He started the Goucher family. (No I'm not related to Kara or her husband..although I haven't checked for sure) I might disappear from blog world for a while so if I do, don't worry. I'll need to come back.


  1. I'll be thinking about you and sending my prayers.

  2. i've seen that app, but haven't taken the time to use it. I guess I should!!!

    1. I love it so far. It takes out all the brain work of picking a workout. AND it's free!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather :( I'm sending good thoughts your way.


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