
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Day in the Life of a SAHM

Yesterday I decided I wanted to do a "day in the life.." post. Now that it's the end of the day I'm kind of exhausted by all the details I wanted to remember for this post. Take note: this was a "low key" day for me.

It is now almost 8pm and I'm trying to get as much of this post typed up before 8 because that is when I'll be getting miss Kate ready for bed. Getting a head start..I've got five minutes!

My day starts anywhere between 6am and 7. Today it was 6:45. And it's always to the sound of pounding feet running across the wood floor to my room. Kate's awake and the day begins.

I get my coffee and her hot cocoa and get to sit for about five or ten minutes then I have to wake up Daniel.

I drink my coffee and catch up on emails and blogs while he gets ready for school.

7:30am- Go out to check on the garden. Try to conquer the gophers. Gophers:10/Humans:0
7:55- Get kids out the door in time to walk to school.

8:10- Daniel gets to school. Kate and I head home.
8:15- Retrieve stroller, phone and Kate's bear and "ni ni" from small canal. Kate decided to push the stroller real hard then let go. Thankfully nothing was lost!

We decided to keep walking instead of heading home.
8:35- Scarf down some banana bread and feed Kate.
9:20- Bible reading and prayer.

9:45- Put roast in crockpot.
9:55- I decided to do an Insanity workout since I couldn't go for a run. (Treadmill is not an knee hates it) I did Pure Cardio. I really like Insanity. It doesn't leave me feeling like a penguin for days at a time.

10:50- Shower
11:30- Playtime with Kate

12:30- Lunch & Paper Mario on the gamecube.

Around 1:30 I wished she would take a nap but I knew better. Does she even look tired? She was singing at the top of her lungs "let it go" from Frozen...


3:50- Add veggies to crockpot. Finish dishes in sink. 

5:30- Dinner then clean up. 

6:30- Go for another walk with the kids to get their energy out. 

7:20- Make popcorn for the kids and escape to my room for ten minutes of peace before I have to get them ready for bed. Just to wake up and do it all over again. Don't et me wrong, I love being a stay at home mom. Some days are long and boring but there are plenty of things that keep me on my toes to make up for those low key days.  I wouldn't change my life for the world. ;-) 

It is now 10:02pm and I am actually pretty awake. Probably because this is my only "me" time. But I'm off to bed because this stay at home mom needs as much sleep as she can get. 6am comes quick. 

Goodnight everyone! 
And if you read all of that, kudos to you! 


  1. lol... I love that first photo of your daughter, she looks so excited!

    1. Haha thanks. I can usually tell what kind of day we'll have when she wakes up. That day she had a lot of energy but at least she was happy.

  2. That sounds like a fun day! your daughter is super cute. Mornings are always hectic at my house. I miss staying home.

    1. Mornings and evenings get crazy around here. I don't know what I'll do when she goes to kindergarten in August!


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