
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Catching up and a little phone dump action

Once again I've been a lurker in blog land and not much of a poster.
But I can't stay away from sharing random things from my life for too long.

First up, let's talk about my relationship with running. Back in December I was up to running 5 miles nonstop. I injured my IT band because I increased my weekly mileage too quickly. Since then I haven't been able to get my miles back up. My leg and knee feels great most of the time but I just can't seem to get that mojo back. I seem to be thinking more about biking than running so a change might be happening. Soon. My husband on the other hand is just cruising along running sub 7 minute miles.. *sigh*..
We also decided to run the 2 mile race on the 4th of July instead of the 5 mile. With the heat and me not being able to get my miles up we're just going to focus on some speedwork and try to place in our age group.

I have been enjoying yoga lately while listening to relaxing music. So I'm just gonna go with the flow and do what I enjoy in the moment. And get fitted for a bike because the bike my father in law gave me is a bit too tall.

I'm also thinking of changing my blog name..but that's just a thought.

Moving on to some phone dumping action..

This is what I did for about two hours last Sunday. I went out to the college to set up food and drinks for the pacers and runners previewing the half marathon course coming up June 8th. I walked around the parking lot too. I did a mile :-)
I am so excited to help out the pacers. The people I met at the course preview are all so nice and encouraging. They were so appreciative of all the volunteers so that makes it a lot more enjoyable in helping them with whatever they need on race day. One guy is an ultra runner! And he's seriously one of the nicest people I've ever met!

I've been experimenting with my oatmeal in the morning. Today I added a tsp of almond butter, couple swirls of honey, chia seeds, raisins and fresh blueberries. I didn't really like the blueberries in it. I prefer dried fruits in my oatmeal.

Yogolicious happened at least once this week. And I'm sure it'll happen again soon.

My grandma wrote a children's book and she asked me to type it up for her. She has a deal with Barnes & Noble to make it an e book. I'll share more info when it's available!

Meet Mr. Pickle. I discovered him while cutting pickles for burgers. Kate didn't hesitate to eat him even though he had a face.. if anything, it made her want to eat him even more.. -_-

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week! I've been enjoying reading about what everyone did over memorial weekend.

Have you ever found a face in your food?


  1. Going with the flow and doing what you enjoy is a great philosophy. I'm glad the volunteer experience went well!

    1. Me too! I'm looking forward to the half marathon on Sunday! I know it'll be a great experience!

  2. That is so amazing about your grandma! It's my dream to publish a book. I love pacers. (Even though I've never been able to stay with a group because I gas out and pick too fast of a pace) The time I spend with them they are always fun and motivating! I miss running so so much. I can not wait to get back into it. I'm going to start jogging now and lifting a little bit of weights but after this baby is born I can not wait to do some speed work and push myself to the max! P.S. That pickle made me really LOL.

    1. The pacers are from Running Addicts Pace Team. They are really energetic and positive people! I'm.looking forward to the half marathon on Sunday! I'm hoping it'll give me a boost that I really need right now.
      I hope you're feeling better! And as always just listen to your body (and baby) :-)
      I'm trying to think of a funny caption for that pickle picture!

  3. I think we go through phases and getting the mojo back takes time, I find those times in my life are some of the best times to try new things that I normally wouldn't just to mix things up and maybe come back to other things later on.
    That is pretty cool about your grandma getting a children's book pubished, let us know when it is out and share a link to it will ya?

    1. Will do!
      I get bored pretty easily but I know I still love to run. Just a bit frustrated with my body not doing what I'd like it to do.
      I don't want any more injuries so I'm trying to listen and maybe changing things up will help. I've gone thru this before..I know it'll pass and I'll be back into running regularly.


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