
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The winds of change are blowing again

Before I jump into the more serious part of this post I want to mention that I'm feeling 100% better and I'll be getting back into my regular workouts/runs soon.
I don't usually share a lot from my personal life but I'd like to vent a little today.
My husband had an amazing opportunity to take over a business. He had an investor that was willing to back him more than we even imagined. The day he was waiting for the owner of the building to print up the lease papers, he found out they leased it to another person. This wasn't just something that popped up over night. My husband and his investor worked on all the details for a month or so before deciding to go for it. We got excited and looked forward to some day soon living more comfortably.
The bad news doesn't end there.. last Friday we found out my husband is getting laid off at the end of this month. He has less then two weeks left of work. We've been in some pretty scary situations financially but nothing quite like this. I'm trying really hard not to have a melt down because that will only make the stress worse on Michael.
We trust that God will work everything out because He's done it many times before!

So that's where my mind is right now..wondering what's going to happen next. And entering into survival mode.

On a lighter note, my focus in life and on this blog is changing. Since I've lost all the weight I gained while pregnant with our daughter, changed my eating habits and find time to workout or run at least three times a week; I'd say I got the "physically fit" part down. It's time to focus more on being spiritually and mentally fit.
A big reason I'm changing my focus is my children. They're only getting older and I don't want to miss anything because I'm too wrapped up in training. I will still run races and run for fun but I want to do more with my kids. I can conquer the world later in life right?

Whew! So much typing. So much reading! (For you)
Here are some pics from today and some randoms to shake this serious post up a bit.

Kate and I went on an adventure walk. We saw tadpoles, dragonflies and ducks!

There were some ducklings but the closer we got, the further they swam. I guess they didn't know we weren't going to hurt them. :-/ Kate tried to tell them in duck language but it didn't work.

If you thought of Toy Story when you saw these clouds then you win all the money!

These baked croutons are so good I've been eating them like snacks. Don't worry, I know they're supposed to go on salads so I'll eat them with some lettuce for dinner.

Since my kids like surprises in their popcorn and Kate caught me in a good mood, I decided to pick out some marshmallows from the marshmallow mateys and add them to her bowl. She was very happy. And I won mom of the year award.

I forgot to share some fun news with you!  I'm volunteering at a local half marathon on June 8th. I was asked to help at the pacer table and help out with whatever the pacers need at the finish. I was recently asked to come out to the University this coming Sunday to help out while some of the pacers do a preview run. And to a brunch afterwards! I'm excited to meet other runners in our community!

Looking forward to whatever the future has in store for us!

How's your week going so far?

Do you snack on croutons?

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's bad news :( I hope that everything works itself out. And I hope that you have a good time at the preview run and brunch on Sunday!

    1. It's already looking better! As soon as I finished this post my husband told me he got a very encouraging phone call from a boss in northern cali! *fingers crossed!

  2. I'm praying for you! I know God will provide. When my husband was laid off we has just had Braiden and just bought a house! that next week he got an even better job that he still has now plus amazing benefits. It will come I know! I completely understand what you mean about life and the blog. It's really hard to feel like you can focus on everything. I support your decision in whatever you decide. I will say, don't forget to do things for you though! it took me 7 years and a divorce to learn that. :/

    1. Thank you! A big part of being mentally and spiritually fit is definitely taking time for myself. But in other ways than exercise. I also want to do more of what my kids enjoy rather than thinking of me first. Things are already looking better! I'm sure I'll have an exciting update soon!


I enjoy hearing from everyone so please, leave a comment!