
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Catching Up & Filling You In

Good morning fit fam & friends! 

I've been pondering some changes for this blog for some time now so it's time to put in the work! I want to post on a regular schedule, but not about just the usual day-to-day stuff. I'm compiling a list of what I'd like to talk about most days of the week then I'll fill in the other days as I see fit. 

Sunday: Shoutout Sunday! 
I follow so many amazing blogs so I'd like to start spreading the love and sharing a little about each one. I'll share two or three at a time and see how that works out.

Monday: Mom Mondays! Monday will be anything mom related.

Tuesday: Dish the Fit Link-Up with Jessica @ The Fit Switch & Jill @ Jill Conyers. The topics are all about health and fitness so feel free to join us and dish up some fit with your post using the topic provided or anything fitness related!

Wednesday: I got nothin so if you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know!

Thursday: Thankful Thursdays. Since it's November and Thanksgiving is right around the corner, I'd like to dedicate Thursday's to all things I'm thankful for. It could be a sappy post, or it could be something as simple as being thankful for hot showers. You'll just have to wait and see.

Friday: Fill 'er up Friday's. This is when I'll fill you in on how my half marathon training is going, how my quest to begin online classes to become a Health Coach is coming along, and anything else I'd like to share about my life. Since it's SO interesting.  ;-)

Saturday: I'm thinking I'll use Saturday's as my "off" days. No scheduled blog posts, but if I feel like posting, I will.

So here's a look at how my training has been going thus far. I just finished my fourth week of training and I'm still going strong. I will say it was a bit harder to finish than previous weeks, but as the half marathon gets closer, the training is bound to get tougher. (or is it, more tough?)

Week 3
Day 1: Cross trainer 25 minutes. (Serious case of the Mondays)

Day 2: 3 miles 28 minutes.

Day 3: 1.19 miles, strength train.

Day 4: 1 mile walk, 1 hour personal trainer session

Day 5: 3.5 miles (Runner's high to the max!)

Day 6: Rest/Stretch

Day 7: Off

Week 4
Day 1: 3 miles

Day 2: Cross train, row machine, arms & abs

Day 3: 2.5 miles speed work

Day 4: Strength train, core, arms, 1 mile shake out run

Day 5: 3.5 miles in 33 minutes. (This run was tough! I had to power through and give myself pep talks. I'm pretty sure I was just thinking it, but I very well could have been moving my mouth.)

Day 6: Yoga/Foam Roll

Day 7: Rest/Off

I'd say I had two more successful weeks. I'm at 3.5 miles now, I may keep my mileage the same this week since last week was a bit tough for me and I have a slight twinge of shin splint pain in my right shin. I plan on starting a training plan with a Personal Trainer on Monday, November 10th. I want to sign up for 6 1-hour sessions, and I also get 1 free hour every month with my gym membership. The fitness manager told me he has another woman who is training for a half marathon and he has some great exercises that will help strengthen my body to get it ready for the 2 hour pounding on the pavement. I'm really excited to sign up because they set you up on their nutrition program that allows you to record your food intake and provides input on how much protein and carbs you should be taking in and when. I tend to stop working out whenever I feel like it, so it's going to be a nice change to have someone pushing me past what I think my limit is. I'm excited to see some changes!

In other news, I voted this week. Did you? Every vote counts ya know. ;-)

My husband's 27th birthday is November 3rd, so today we're going to Sacramento for the Ken Davis show! He's a Christian comedian and we've listened to him on the radio multiple times. He's also a fitness enthusiast, husband and grandpa. He's hilarious! He also wrote a book called, Fully Alive. You should check him out if you don't know who I'm talking about. We're leaving in the morning sometime, kids will be with their grandma and we're planning on spending the entire day in Sac! We're hoping to find a great restaurant for dinner before the show. Any ideas?

Monday also marks the first day of the Thankful For My Followers Giveaway Hop! Be sure to come back and see what I'll be giving away! 


  1. How fun, I am looking forward to your new schedule! If you didn't already know I am all for scheduling, I find it makes it easier to blog on specific things, and allows me to plan ahead:)
    Looks like your training is fully underway and looking great!
    How fun to work with a trainer, both for the extra push but also the added education that comes with it!
    Oh, I love that you vote:) I always say, all my friends vote or we wouldn't be friends, LOL.. I will be hitting the polls Tuesday morning, plan on stopping in on my way done with my run. That way I'll be nice and sweaty for the people standing in line around me hahah kidding, I'm actually hoping hitting them early I'll avoid any lines:)

    1. Haha I'm sure I've been a bit stinky in public after a good run! ;-)
      I'm hoping to get some posts up early and scheduled so I don't get too overwhelmed with posting every day. This week might be a bit "off schedule" but I'm sure it'll take some time to get it all figured out.

  2. I look forward to all your posts! It makes blogging a lot easier when you have a plan like that. Keep up the training!

    1. Thanks!
      It may take a week or so to get used to the regular posting, but I'd really like to have something for my followers to read throughout the week. Thanks for being a dedicated follower! Be sure to enter my giveaway!

  3. I like the idea of having a schedule for the posts! And it sounds like you've had a couple great work out weeks too :) Have a great time in Sacramento!

    1. Thanks!
      I'm sure it'll take some time to get used to the regular posting, but I'm looking forward to it. Thank you for being a dedicated reader/follower!

  4. Scheduling the posts out like that is so helpful! I've been trying to post 3 times a week and have certain ideas for each day as well.
    Your training seems to be going well. The personal trainer is a great idea. Having that extra push will make you stronger on race day!

    1. Thanks!
      I'm definitely looking forward to learning some new moves to help strengthen my legs and even my upper body for race day!
      Be sure to enter my giveaway!


I enjoy hearing from everyone so please, leave a comment!