
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Goals For 2015: Re-Do

Good morning friends! 

After reading Jessica's (TheFitSwitch) post about going after your goals now, not waiting for the new year or even taking the entire year to reach certain goals, I wanted to re-do my list of goals for 2015. I want to take a big GULP of life at a time instead of a little SIP. I want to make the most of every day! Without setting anything in stone (besides that half marathon) because life is so unpredictable, I want to create a list of things I want to accomplish in 2015. I'm also loving her slogan for her upcoming fitness apparel: Love the Challenge! (I might be the first to order a shirt :-))

Life is too short to sit back and wonder if I'll be healthy enough, strong enough or good enough to do something amazing. I want to jump into 2015 with both feet and face it head on. If life hands me lemons, I'll make the best lemonade I've ever tasted! 

So here we go! 2015, watch out!

*First and foremost: Run a half marathon by April (depends on how my training goes) and finish in under 2:20. 

*Run a 7 minute mile. My current time for 1 mile is 7:46! I wish I could hold that pace for longer than one mile, but I'm just thrilled I can run a sub 8 minute mile! I'm one of those sick and twisted people that love speed work, so I will get this 7 minute mile! .... Getting butterflies just thinking about it!

*Increase posts on the blog and spruce it up a bit. ;-)

*Trail run! I have yet to do a trail run and I'm just chompin' at the bit! I really want to run up in the mountains and soak up the sun, breathe in the fresh air, and run with nature! ...Just without the mountain lions please. 

*Practice Yoga & gain flexibility. 

*Do Yoga outside more often!

*Spend more quality time with my kids and husband and make happy memories that will last a lifetime. 

*Increase strength in my core and arms, as well as my glutes and legs. So, I guess I want to strengthen my entire body. haha This could mean more personal training sessions..sorry husband. :-D

My motto/slogan for 2015 is:

I spent way too much time fearing, or worrying about the "what if's". What if I get injured, what if I don't finish, what if I can't lift it, what if I just can't do it?.. I'm done worrying. I'm done stressing. I'm just going to take the leap and spread my wings and fly through 2015. Just not too fast. ;-) 

Ready or not, 2015, Here I come!

I'm linking up with Jessica & Jill since I happened to finally get this post finished! Join in on the fun and come dish the fit with us with our weekly link-up: The Fit Dish! 

Processed with Moldiv


  1. I really like the "do yoga outside" goal! Everything always looks so much prettier in nature! :]

    I'd love to run a 7 minute mile at some point as well! Your slogan is an awesome one. :D Best wishes for 2015! <3

    1. I've done yoga outdoors once or twice and I loved it! It's so relaxing, especially when the weather is perfect!
      Thanks Farrah! Best wishes to you too!

  2. I love that you gave yourself the option to re-do especially if that's what lead you to "be fearless"!

    Trail running is amazing! It's so different from street running. If given the option street or trail. Trail wins every time.

    Happy early 2015!

    1. I have a couple of places in mind to try out trail running. I know I'll love it since I absolutely love the mountains!
      Thanks for stopping by Jill! Best wishes for 2015!

  3. I love your 2015 motto! Living fearlessly is so hard to do. I think doing a trail race is something I'm going to try for next year as well. And way to go on that sub 8 minute mile, I know you can do the sub 7! You're so speedy :)

    1. Thanks! Haha, I've never considered myself speedy but if I can run a 7 minute mile or two ;-) I'll consider it. haha I do enjoy speed work so I'm thinking about doing a few short races in hopes to place in my age group.
      Looking forward to a great year!

  4. Those are some great goals!
    7 Min mile would be awesome, I am pretty sure your going to nail that one!!!!
    Your going to love trail running! I did my first few trail marathons, not even knowing they were going to be on trails, LOL.. But it sold me, and I have really enjoyed it. In fact one of the canals I run along here, one side is paved, the otherside is a dirt trail road. I am not sure why I only run on the paved, but just last week I was thinking, I would switch it up, the trail running is so much easier on the feet! Have fun with your goals, I hope you have a great New Years!

    1. Thanks Kristy! Best wishes to an awesome 2015!

  5. Great goals for this year - love the re-do idea! Have a blast training for your half and enjoy the trail running. Trails are the best! And, of course, enjoy making memories with your family. That's the best part :)
    Amy @

    1. Thanks Amy! If I want to reach any of these goals I needed to just take the plunge, write them down and go for it! :-)

  6. Happy New Year Fawn! Can't wait to read more posts!

    1. Thanks Ashley! Happy New Year to you as well!

  7. I LOVE your slogan. And you're going to get that half in under 2:20. Just believe!

    1. Thank you! I believe!...with a stomach full of butterflies! haha

  8. I love your motto!!!!!
    I think too often we all, myself included get too caught up in the "what if's" being Fearless to do what we want, achieve what we can, inspire others and most important inspire ourselves!
    I really like your theme for the year, I may just steal that for my own motivational thinking, I really do love it!!!!!!!

    1. Please do!! I can only hope to inspire or motivate others by just doing what I know to do! :-)


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