
Thursday, December 12, 2013

2013 Year in Review

This year flew by! I remember in January I had so many thoughts about how this year would go, and now it's almost over. I've learned so much, done a lot of cool things, and met some really cool people (in real life & online through blogging).

This year was dedicated to a lot of soul searching and finding who I am and who I'm meant to be. I have some things that I've gotten some answers to and now I feel like I can move forward. I've learned so much about who I used to be and who I want to be. Running became a huge part of my life this year so I'll always remember 2013. 

Anywho, without further adieu, here is my Year in Review. (Totally did not mean to rhyme, guess I'm just cool like that) :-)

1. What was your best race experience? 

My best race experience was when I ran my second 5k with my husband. It was his first race so I was super excited to be running with him on his first one. We were running with a bunch of high school and college students on track teams so I thought we were toast; turned out, we both placed 2nd in our age group! It felt good to get a medal on my second race and I'm sure my husband felt pretty good about getting a medal on his very first race. It was also a PR for me.

2. What was your best run?

My best run was just the other day and I bragged about it under "I have found my Chi". :-) It was almost perfect. Surprisingly it was a treadmill run. But I felt awesome. I won't go on and on about it here since I already did in a post of its own. 

3. What was the best new piece of gear you received this year?

Hmm... I'd have to say getting a treadmill. I get in more runs than ever. My daughter isn't in school yet so it's hard to go out in the cold with her and it's hard to find someone to watch her for an hour or so. It's much easier to plant her in front of a good movie with a snack or on the computer to play educational games. Ok, so I don't always put on educational games. So what? 

4. What was the best running advice you received this year?

Listen to your body!! Don't push through the pain! 

5. What's your best advice for new runners?

I like to tell people to enjoy the mile they're in. Don't worry about how far you have to go. Running is much more enjoyable when you focus on the present mile. 

6. Most inspirational runner?

I can't think of one person in particular, but I am always inspired by mother runners. Moms who get out there WITH their kids and run. One woman comes to mind. She would run around our neighborhood (with hills) with one kid on her back and pushing one in a stroller. That woman was a true mother runner. I'm inspired by a lot of weight loss stories too. I love reading how running has changed people's lives. I lost a total of 43 pounds in a year, and I'm amazed at how much other women (and men) have lost from running.

7. If you could sum up your year of running in a couple of words, what would they be?

Determination & faith

8. If you could change one thing, what would it be?

Running without knowledge. I've learned (the hard way) that you can't just lace up any pair of shoes and go for a run. We all know what I'm talking about. There is so much more to running than just moving your legs. 

So there's my recap. It was nice reminiscing. The year is over, a whole new year awaits. The same questions still come to mind: I wonder what will happen this year? What will I accomplish? Will I lose any loved ones? Will I do all the things I planned? Will I be better than I was?... There's no way in knowing, we just need to keep on moving forward. 
Whether we're crawling, walking or running. ;-) 

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