
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Banana pancakes

These pancakes are packed with protein and potassium. And they are oh so good! And easy to make! All you need is 2 bananas and 2 eggs.

Mash up the bananas then mix in the eggs one at a time. 
Batter will be sort of thin and lumpy.
Cook over medium high heat in a buttered skillet. Or you can use nonstick spray. These take a little longer to cook than regular pancakes.
This batch made 4 large pancakes. I may or may not have eaten all four. 
These are great by themselves. No syrup or jam needed. 

What other kinds of delicious healthy pancakes have you made?


  1. Okay, tell me you also started singing the Jack Johnson song when you started writing this post??

  2. Here it is! The Jack Johnson song "Banana Pancakes"
    I think I'll make some of those too !!!


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