
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Sunday!

I usually hate when days drag by but I'm loving it today. We took the kids out to the high school track to run, jump around, do speed work and cartwheels.

I ran a mile with my boy. He did great!! Finished in 9:12! I ran right behind him and coached him on how to breathe and move his arms. He's on the track team so it was his request to go practice today.

Kate loves jumping on the "mattresses".

Speed work. I really do love you. You allow me to get my frustration out, get a refill on endorphins and improve my pace. I don't have a name for what I do but it's pretty effective. I walk on the straight sides of the track then run as fast as my legs will go on the curved ends of the track. I did that four times. I haven't done speed work in over four months so my legs felt like jello afterwards! But it felt so good to run fast and hard then collapse on the grass with a smile on my face. AND my knee felt amazing! I think I need to break up with my treadmill :-/

Here's Mr. Speedy. He's one of those runners that looks like they run with such ease and finish in about 7:45.

Cartwheels are fun.

Having some lunch. (Kate made a mess with the popcorn) Michael still likes to play with dinosaurs..

And take naps..

Moving on to the long jump!

Daniel jumped 8 feet!
Michael jumped 11!
Kate jumped just over 2 and I jumped about 5 feet and looked like a complete dork! I'll give you all a good laugh and share a pic:
I may look like I was about to fall backwards, but I didn't.

Daniel is a photo bombing king!
I was trying to get a pic of my crazy hair. Totally didn't expect that.

Garden update:
I made these collages a few days ago and our plants have grown so much since then!

Photo from today:

Soon we will have more squash than we can eat! But I don't mind sharing our veggies.

All that fun at the track wore me out! I can't wait to go again! Its a lot more fun to be active as a family than by yourself. And I'm so proud of Daniel! He has shown so much improvement from last year!

How was your weekend?

I hope everyone has a great Monday!


  1. I love this! I haven't had time to plant anything other than my peppers in my garden! It's been cold here on and off and I've been working so much. May 3rd I'm getting to it! I want some tomatoes growing this year!

    1. We seem to have everything BUT peppers! Something loves pepper leaves because all of our pepper plants are only stems! I even planted some seeds and we were excited because they sprouted.. well today I noticed even the sprouts were eaten! We are constantly fighting off wildlife and insects! Gardens are a lot of fun when you can control all of that!


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