
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Ready To Ride

Is it weird that I got excited when my husband came home with a can of green slime?
We live out in the country so we have to do what we can to protect our bike tires from goat heads. If you don't know what a goat head is, consider that a blessing!

After goopin' up our tires I went on a short ride with the kids.

There she is. What do you think I should name her? Or do they only name the fancy bikes?

I love how the early morning air makes me want to get up and go for a run or ride. I need to find a safe route to ride. (Pedestrians get hit quite often around here. Or mugged, or jumped for their bike. Maybe I'll just have to break the rules and ride on the high school track. ;-)

Yesterday's "ride" ended shortly after we started because Kate was hot and for some reason Daniel's tires went flat again.. so while they ate dinner I ran on the treadmill. I have been foam rolling and icing everyday, multiple times a day and I'm reaping the benefits. I was able to run two whole miles non stop unit some pain showed up! TWO whole miles! I'm so happy about that!

Update on my eye/headaches:

Our insurance FINALLY approved a brain and orbit MRI! It's scheduled for this coming Tuesday with a follow up on Friday with my neurologist. I'll finally get some answers! The right side of my head and my right eye hurt pretty bad while running yesterday so today I'm going to take it easy and just stretch and foam roll.

On a lighter note: I signed up to volunteer at the finish line of a local half marathon. I got a quick response from the race coordinator (assuming that's her role) and she asked me if I would like to be the Pacer Host. I would hand out all the pacers packets and signs at the start then at the finish I would help them with drinks and food. I told her I would love to do that! Its not until June 8th. I was really impressed with her timely response and with how the website is displayed. It seems very well planned and organized so far! Maybe next year I'll be able to run the half!

Enjoy your Thursday everyone!!


  1. I totally hear you on the early morning air, it totally just screams come play in me!
    Have fun volunteering, I think that would be a lot of fun!

    1. Thanks!
      If only I could sneak out by like 5am so our daughter doesn't wake up and freak out if I'm not home.

  2. Hey Fawn, I've been a quiet reader lately because your site is blocked at work so I end up reading on my email. Anyways I'm hoping for good things from your MRI and that you can figure out what's going on. It sucks to have some weird, unexplained thing going on when you just want to get better and be 100% Also let me know how volunteering goes- I never have before but I think its high time I give back to the running community!

    1. Thank you Stephanie. :-)
      I'm so relieved our insurance approved it because it was being requested by two Dr's. One of them being a neurologist!
      I'll definitely post about my volunteering experience. I miss the whole race day experience so I'm looking forward to just being there. Maybe I'll be able to run it next year!

  3. Wow, I've never heard of goat heads but they look nasty. And that volunteer experience sounds like it will be fun. I love that they were so prompt and organized. I look forward to reading about it :)

    1. Girl you are lucky!! I stepped on one about two days ago and I still have a red, swollen, tender spot on my foot.
      I'm looking forward to volunteering at the half! I didn't even know we had a big race in our county. Hoping to run it next year!


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