
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wonder Mom Wednesdays-Back To School


My first link-up! Today I'm linking up with Susan @ MomSwimBikeRun, Amanda @ MomWhoTris and Sue @ ThisMamaRunsForCupcakes for Wonder Mom Wednesdays! Head over to their blogs and check out what they have to say about Back To School! 

As some of you may know, my kids (as well as many others) started school on Monday, August 18th. This was more than the typical first day of school for "big kids" who have been going for a few years already. This was a huge day for our family. It was Kate's first day of Kindergarten! She has never been to a day care, preschool or even to a regular babysitter. I have been a stay at home mom for the past 5 1/2 years so this was a big deal for us! I had so many worries and concerns but she was ready. No, I didn't cry. And Kate didn't either. :-) 

Daniel's a big 6th grader now so he was too "cool" for first day photos. So I got him on the 2nd day. 
Here they are on the first day, a bit nervous, but excited. Well, one was nervous.. 

Kate's first day:

Their 2nd day:

So what does "back to school" mean for me? What is this mom going to do for 7 or so hours a day? The possibilities are endless! Wait, no that's laundry. Laundry is endless. 

I've been waiting for this "mommy" time for quite a while now. Not that my kids are unbearable, just because I really want to be able to focus on my desires. I feel I can do the things that I want to do while they are in school, and I can do them "guilt free". Like, go to the gym with out having to sneak out of the house, or hug a crying kid goodbye. Or, do yard work, clean the house or work in the garden without having to stop to be a mediator between two fighting kids. Most importantly, I'll be able to spend more time reading, meditating and praying without hearing knocking on my bedroom door and little voices saying, are you done yet?

I'll admit, I'm a bit apprehensive to send my kids to public school. I usually don't talk about my opinions/views on "politics" but I will say that there are some things that I do not like that will be taught in public schools here in California, BUT, I am not well equipped enough, (totally not the phrase I was looking for but it works) nor do I have the patience to home school my children. It sounds like a wonderful idea, and I tried it for the first few months of Daniel's 5th grade year. But it turned out to be a negative experience for all of us. As Christian parents, all we can do is build a strong foundation at home to ensure that our children will grow up to be mature, independent adults with good morals and values. 

One thing definitely is for sure...

It's only going on the third day of the school year but I realized after the first day I was ready for them to come home. I was so happy to go pick up Kate from school and play with her when we got home. I was eager to hear how Daniel's first day of 6th grade went.

Summer vacation was fun, but it was also tough. Our family thrives when we have structure and schedules. Maybe it's because we don't have time to fight. ;-)

Here's to a whole new school year of ups and downs and everything in between! 


  1. Hi Fawn! Thanks for linking up with us. I look forward to reading your posts. Best of luck now that the kiddies are in school. Btw I couldn't see your photos in your post...perhaps because I'm on a mobile device?

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm hoping the issue with the photos isn't the new way I uploaded them.. I can see them on my phone.. hmm. I'll see if anyone else can't see them. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. Here's to a great school year. Thanks for joining the link up. ~Susan @momswimbikerun

    1. Thanks! Looking forward to linking up again!

  3. Your photo's didn't come up for me either. But either way, I wish your kids an absolutely wonderful school year!!!!

    1. Thanks for letting me know! I won't upload them that way again.. I think I fixed it. :-)
      Thank you!

  4. My son thrives on schedules and routine too. Kindergarten started 3 weeks ago for us and has been a HUGE adjustment. I don't ever want to rush things, but I do long for that day when they are both in school. Being a SAHM is a tough job and I definitely feel like I have lost "me". It will be nice to get that back someday! So glad you linked up!

    1. One thing we noticed is our daughter seems to think she's big enough to do anything she wants! Just because she goes to school and rides the bus haha
      And yes, being a sahm is very tough! My husband realized this when he got laid off! Haha hang in there and focus on the good times! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I'm waiting for that day! I also love my kids but just being able to go to the store alone would be amazing. You became a mom at such a young age you really really deserve this you time!

    1. Thanks!
      At times I wonder what they're doing and I miss them but then I go back to enjoying my time alone. :-) school gives us a nice break but it also brings on different kind of stress!

  6. The photos of the kids are so cute! And I don't know what it is with laundry but ours seems never ending too and there's only 2 of us. I hope Kate's been enjoying her first week of school :)

    1. Thank you! I just now saw your comment! Sorry about that! The moderation seems to help with spam.
      Kate had a great first week but on Friday she cried for me : -(
      We think it was because I had a Dr apt and her dad dropped her off. Plus she was dealing with bad allergies. Anyway, everything is going ok so far!


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