
Sunday, August 24, 2014

#Activelivingchallenge Week 3 Recap

The last week of the Fit Approach & Lorna Jane Active Living Challenge has come to an end. The past three weeks flew by! I enjoyed each challenge and loved trying new things! Here's a recap of the last week.

Day 15 Move, nourish & believe. Share how you are practicing active living today! This was Kate's first day of Kindergarten so I took the morning off from working out. I did some yard work and planted flowers instead. :-)

Day 16 Active Living is for life! What part of the future are you most excited for?! Most of you know that my husband was laid off a few months ago. We are looking forward to getting some answers on upcoming employment opportunities, and whatever God has in store for us! He never closes a door without opening another!

Day 17 Let's move! Share a photo of you doing your favorite workout. We all know running is my first love, but recently I've learned to love yoga as well. Running and yoga go hand in hand.

Day 18 Share your short term goal! 1/2 marathon, here I come!

Day 19 Nourishing your body is a part of active living. Share your favorite healthy snack! Smoothies are a quick & delicious, healthy summer treat that my whole family enjoys!

Day 20 What's your favorite Lorna Jane Active piece? I'm lovin' these Lover 7/8 tights!!

Day 21 What's your favorite thing about active living? I love knowing I'm in a constant progression to a better "me". There's so much positivity in living an active life and I hope I can inspire others to strive to live healthier lives!

I've enjoyed this challenge and of course I'm looking forward to see who wins!!

Week 1 Recap

Week 2 Recap

My #loveyourself challenge is in the works! Hoping to start September 1st!


  1. I'm so happy that you finally have some free time. I know what it feels like to have kids young. You're flowers are beautiful! P.s. don't be thinking about going out and getting a job, I need my blogger friend!

    1. Thanks! It seems like fall is the only season I can keep flowers alive!
      Well, I have applied for a few dental assisting jobs but that was a few weeks ago. I'm enjoying my time off though! My husband has an interview on the tenth and I'll just say this, if he gets the job, I wont have to go back to work. ;-)

  2. I'm loving these challenge updates from you :) And I agree that running and yoga go hand in hand. That smoothie looks delicious. I rarely have smoothies for some reason but I have to change that!

    1. Hopefully I can pull off the challenge I'd like to host soon!
      I don't even have a blender and we have smoothies quite often! We use a food processor. Haha!

  3. Love your flowers! Sometimes I find any type of gardening to be one of the most relaxing things, for me it's right up there with reading a book:)
    Your going to rock that half marathon! I love that final quote you put up, it rings so true!!!!

    1. Thanks! I love having flowers around the yard! I sure hope I can get through the training. My left leg around my Achilles and lower calf is a bit sore.. took about 6 days off any exercise and have been icing like crazy. I'm thinking speed work isn't my best friend.. so I'll stick to a good steady pace for now. :-)

    2. Only because of my own experience the past year with my Achilles it has me worrying for you. Hopefully the rest and icing will help. Yeah I would stay away from speed for a while until your sure the lower calf has calmed down, no point to risk it. YOu have that race coming up!

    3. I'm hoping it's not my Achilles but I just can't seem to pinpoint the pain.. I know my Achilles feels a little sore after I run and my lower calf hurts every now and then. I keep thinking about you and I'm trying to be proactive. :-) I thought about emailing you to ask about how the pain feels. I appreciate any input from you!


I enjoy hearing from everyone so please, leave a comment!