
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wonder Mom Wednesdays: Why I Workout

Hey there! I'm linking up with Amanda @ MomWhoTris Susan @ MomSwimBikeRun and Sue @ ThisMamaRunsForCupcakes for Wonder Mom Wednesdays!

This week's topic: Reasons I Workout!

I remember doing a post similar to this a few months ago, possibly less. So if it seems like I'm repeating some things, I apologize in advance.

Some of you know that I battle depression. That is a huge reason why I exercise/workout. I have found that exercise when coupled with prayer, works wonders for me.
Today I'd like to talk about five other reasons I workout, run, exercise, get my sweat on and so forth...

1. Exercise makes me feel like a person. No, really. It makes me realize I am alive, I am healthy and I am strong. It makes me feel like I'm being "me" for an hour a day and not just mommy, wife, housekeeper, chauffeur and mediator.
Thanks Lorna Jane

2. I run to get my endorphin fix. Endorphins=happy and happy mom/wife=happy home. That sounds bad but it's somewhat true. We all know running is the best form of cardio. Cardio workouts create high levels of endorphins meaning your mood is going to be automatically boosted. So it's in everyone's best interest to let mommy run. :-D Being a mom is rewarding in so many ways, knew there was going to be a but didn't you? But, it's also very demanding and stressful at times. So if you can find an outlet (that's healthy) to help you de-stress, go for it.

3. Working out makes me feel good. Its that simple. It makes me feel better physically..maybe after I can walk a few days after leg day.. and it makes me feel better mentally. My confidence is soaring after a good, sweaty workout. I'm not a prideful person at all, but working out has boosted my self esteem. There is nothing wrong with someone feeling good about themselves.
This is a pretty good reason to feel good about myself. ;-)

4. I exercise to set a good example for our children. If they grow up with active parents, they are more likely to be active as well. My daughter keeps asking, "when do I get to race?!" That's music to my ears! Our son plays Soccer and has been on the track team the past two years. They also love going to the track to run around and play while we run. Our most recent activity we all enjoyed was swimming at the gym pool. They enjoy being active and I love seeing that we're paving a healthy path for them.

5. Being active has helped me "come out of my shell". I've met some amazing athletes, made so many awesome friends through social media and stepped out of my comfort zone many times. The running community is simply amazing and we all understand each other's love/addiction to the sport. Living an active lifestyle and sharing that passion with others is something I've never experienced before. Also knowing I inspire others to live healthier lives, gives me that constant motivation to keep moving forward.

(Have a WONDERful Wednesday everyone!! hardy har har..
And remember to check out all the other awesome moms linking up today! Click on any of the links at the top!

What's one reason YOU workout??


  1. Thanks for linking up again! In the future if you don't want to make an entire new post, feel free to link back to your old one ;) Bring it back from the archives! It seems like we all run for similar reasons! You made quite a transformation! congrats!

    1. Thank you! I'm enjoying these link ups and discovering awesome blogs written by moms!

  2. Such great reasons! I started for just one reason, I needed to get healthier. But I keep doing it becaus it turns out that it makes me feel good mentally and physically. Finding great friends through it has been a great side benefit too :)

    1. Running is definitely one of the best ways to get in shape! I don't know where I'd be if.I didn't start running a couple years ago!

  3. It seems like a lot of us run for the same reasons...why is life so hard? For me, running sure makes it a lot easier!

    I'm looking forward to following your blog!

    ~Wendy at Taking the Long Way Home

    1. Thank you for following and stopping by!
      Yes life can be hard but I'm so thankful there are ways to make it easier!

  4. #4 is my big reason too! Also.. endorphins make you happy! Thanks for joining the link up. Susan (Mom Swim Bike Run)

    1. Thanks for stopping by!
      I'm so glad my kids enjoy being active! I'm toying with the idea of becoming a Nutritionist so I can teach parents and kids how to lead healthier lives. :-)

  5. I love that being active has made you come out of your shell. I never really thought about that but you are so right. Keep up the good work, you are doing awesome. Thanks for joining in this week.

  6. Aw thank you!
    I would love to go to a fitness blogging event some time and meet all kinds of active bloggers! :-)

  7. I love how you first said exercise coupled with prayer had helped you. It has me too! All your reasons are so true and beautifully written. I'm in total agreement with #4! My son likes to race and is now into trail running!! Healthy kids=future healthy and successful adults! Kudos to you for being an amazing momma!!

    1. Thank you!
      That's awesome your son likes trail running! I've heard great things about trail running!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I love how you first said exercise coupled with prayer had helped you. It has me too! All your reasons are so true and beautifully written. I'm in total agreement with #4! My son likes to race and is now into trail running!! Healthy kids=future healthy and successful adults! Kudos to you for being an amazing momma!!

  9. I love how you first said exercise coupled with prayer had helped you. It has me too! All your reasons are so true and beautifully written. I'm in total agreement with #4! My son likes to race and is now into trail running!! Healthy kids=future healthy and successful adults! Kudos to you for being an amazing momma!!

  10. One reason I run is for the way I feel when I'm done. It feels great to get some exercise into my day!

  11. That's exactly why I workout. If I miss a day I can feel it in my mood. It's also for my kids and to come out of my shell too. So I feel the exact same way!

  12. So funny. Running has helped me come out of my shell too. In fact, I wrote about that as one of my reasons.
    I have changed so much since I "met" running! And I am loving it.

  13. I love all your reasons for working out! It's so true the running community is pretty awesome, a great way to surround yourself with positive people working on healthy goals.
    Your kids are going to grow up being active and having come from parents who were and raised me to be, I have to say that is definitely on the top 5 things kids appreciate when they grow up. I also have to agree on how it makes you feel. Even if I am having a bad day, I'm upset or something... If I get a run in, something happens whether it's the endorphins or just my release as I sort through my thoughts, either way it makes my days so much better!!!

    1. Thanks!
      I couldn't deal with life's stresses as well as I think I do, without exercise! I think so many runners run for very similar reasons!


I enjoy hearing from everyone so please, leave a comment!