Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday Link-Up: The Fit Dish #dishthefit

Hey how's it goin?! Pretty great over here! 

I was invited to join another awesome link-up hosted by Jessica Joy @ TheFitSwitch!
I recently started following her on Instagram after seeing some of her posts for the Active Living Challenge. (Which she won by the way!!) Her posts are very unique and I love how her positive attitude radiates through her blog and social media sites!

This link-up is co-hosted by Nicole @ TheFitPepper! I'm looking forward to all the new friends I'll be making through this awesome fitness link-up! This week's topic: Being Fit Means...

The other night I was thinking about what to write for this post. I mean, I can only say "I run to keep my depression in check" so many times before my readers start rolling their eyes and move on.

Just a little excited about Soccer
After a full day of total kid activities, I sat on the couch, laid my head on my husbands shoulder and said, "I. Am. Pooped! I am so worn out I feel it in my face!" Other moms out there, ya know what I mean? That tired in your face kind of tired? We had an awesome day, it was just jam packed. Our day started at about 6:45am. We had to be out of the house by 8:10am to make it to my sons 2nd soccer game of the season by 8:30, game at 9. We arrived at about 8:45, which was ok this time since other players were just arriving as well. He played a great game, kicking their butts winning 5-0! The Terminators are undefeated! ...so far! :-)
Feelin' pretty good after a great game

After the game, Kate and I went to Wal-Mart with my mother in law to buy some gifts for a cousin's birthday party. We rushed back to her place, stuffed the gifts in some gift bags, scarfed some lunch, washed stamps off of Kate's arms, fixed her hair for the millionth time, and hand washed her shirt that ended up having pink stamp all over it. Daniel was still in his soccer attire and decided he wanted to go to the party. Um, walking in cleats all day is not a good idea. We had to drive all the way across town to my house which is about a 20 min drive, grab his shoes then head to the party. We ended up being late to the party but there were no hurt feelings so we're all good. The kids had such a great time at the party, Bella loved her gifts and we all went home happy. But tired. Oh so tired!

So what am I getting at? I realized I am so thankful that I am no longer 50+ lbs over weight! If I was, I wouldn't have been able to keep up with my kids on a day like this! Yes I was tired, but it was at the END of the day. Not during the day. I love being active because it means I get to spend more quality time with my kids, instead of watching them from a seated position. I no longer get out of breath going on walks with my kids and no longer have an excuse not to run around the yard with them. Being fit means being involved in my kids' lives. Not just present. It means living, not just existing. Being fit means making memories with my children and I wouldn't change that for the world.

Ok, I'm done getting all sappy on ya! Now head on over to the other amazing blogs involved in the link-up!
Click on one of the host's sites for all the info and how to join us every Tuesday! (There are two lists so be sure to check out both! Next week there will be a one stop shop for all the links!)

Thanks for stopping by! But before you go, What does being fit mean to you? 


  1. Nice story! I know you are proud of yourself and I am sure your hubby is too. One thing we never get back is time but i believe if ye use a little time to take care of ourselves we will have a lot of healthy time for our families! Have a great week!

    1. Thank you! And thanks for stopping by! You are so right!
      You have a great week as well!

  2. I absolutely loved this post and love the realizations you have come to concerning your kids and your FITness!!

    1. Aw thank you! You just made my day! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I love that being fit is making memories with your children. I am right there with you. I don't have children YET, but part of being fit for me is making memories with other family and friends. It's so much more than fitting in clothes or a number on a scale.

    1. Thank you! That is so true! Sometimes I get caught up in numbers and sizes but what really matters is how we feel!

  4. I've always loved how family oriented you are! Not only are you able to have so much fun with your cute kiddo's, but your teaching them healthy habits that will likely benefit them for a lifetime to come!!

    1. Thank you! I sure hope our children will be active and lead healthy lives as they get older! They seem to enjoy it so far! :-)

  5. I love this! I'm so happy to "meet" you through this awesome link-up. Until I had a child, I never really understood what it meant to be so busy or not have time for yourself. It sounds like you have made time and your family will be thanking you for it for years to come.

    1. Thank you! Its been so great meeting such positive people through link ups like this! Thanks for stopping by!
      And yes, it is so important for moms (and dads) to take time for themselves. There's bound to be more blow ups when parents don't take time to care for themselves.

  6. Fawn, the end of the paragraph, explaining how you're INVOLVED in your kids lives, not just present, and LIVING, not just existing, should be a quote! Heck, I'll put it ON MY WALL! I have a motivation wall. I wrote about it on the blog. Maybe that should be a link-up topic! Ooooh. But seriously, I love your story, and thank you so much for sharing it, and being amazing as you are! And yes, totally know that tired in the face FEELING, and with the big bags under my eyes, it's ain't pretty! : )

    1. Aw thank you Jessica! Living, not just existing is something that keeps me motivated to stay positive and lead an active life. Thank you for inviting me to join this awesome link up!


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